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Social Exclusion of Trans Persons in India: Law, Citizenship and Healthcare

Rajeev Anand Kushwah
Volume 3, Issue 2
28 February 2023
Page No.: 4036-4047

This paper attempts to look at the social exclusion of trans persons through a social exclusion framework. It traces the history of transgender citizens as the subject of the law highlighting the politics of language and how citizenship overlooks transgender subjects with an emphasis on ‘The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019.’ There is also a focus on ‘identity’ through a psychosocial model of social exclusion, highlighting the question of liveability. It addresses the discrimination within biomedicine and healthcare by taking a brief look at the study titled “An Exploratory Study of Discriminations based on Non-Normative Genders and Sexualities”, conducted and published by Advanced Centre for Women’s Studies, TISS, Mumbai.

Rajeev Anand Kushwah
M.A. Women’s Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai

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Kushwah R. A. (2023). Social Exclusion of Trans Persons in India: Law, Citizenship and Healthcare . International Journal of Policy Sciences and Law, 3(2), 4036-4047. 


Creating Gender Inclusive Education: An Exploratory Study to Eradicate Homophobia and Stigma Through the Introduction of Non-Binary Genders in Mainstream Curriculum

Ankita Sharma
Volume 3, Issue 2
28 February 2023
Page No.: 4048-4081

Gender constructivism has been an issue in South Asia for a long time which could be understood by its rich history of visibility. Though gender expressions have been socially recognized on the subcontinent since the Vedic era, their prevalence in social structures has been limited. The evidence of restricted transgender practices could be witnessed in India during the British administration when they were not allowed to move freely and were punished severely on account of free expression. It delimited the position of transgenders in society and led to the implementation of The Criminal Tribes Act which classifies transgender people as a “criminal tribe”. Apart from this, transgender people were mocked and subjected to cruel treatment under the British administration which impacted their position and inclusion in mainstream society. 

The present research thereby focuses on gender non-binary inclusion in school textbooks and curricula to create gender-inclusive education. It will help in developing and promoting a safe and secure environment for all genders irrespective of their trans, non-binary, and Queer identities. It includes using these school curricula as a powerful medium to teach children different concepts, traditions, and cultural heritage. The research includes a critical approach and a mixed-method approach combining both qualitative and quantitative data. In order to do this, this study also adopted an interview protocol which was developed by the researcher to investigate the need of creating a gender-inclusive curriculum by introducing non-binary characters in the school curriculum

Ankita Sharma
M.A. English Literature, M.Ed, Delhi Board of School Education, New Delhi

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Sharma A. (2023). Creating Gender Inclusive Education: An Exploratory Study to Eradicate Homophobia and Stigma Through the Introduction of Non-Binary Genders in Mainstream Curriculum. International Journal of Policy Sciences and Law, 3(2), 4048-4081. 
