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What is an Alternative to the Minimum Wage in Canada?: A Comprehensive Literature Review of Price Floors and Welfare Systems in Canada
George Agia
Volume 2, Issue 4
23 June 2022
Page No.: 3935-3948
This paper analyzes the research on price floors and welfare systems in Canada through a qualitative and quantitative framework to ensure its validity. It examines the current effects of the minimum wage and offers critical insight into a refined form of welfare known as the “Negative Income Tax” that can assist policymakers in implementing the most effective welfare policy. The author argues that the minimum wage negatively affects the economy as it produces a wide variety of externalities, one being that it can result in higher unemployment among low-skilled workers and young people (Campolieti et al., 2006). The minimum wage is a price floor, meaning the government can impose a price above the current market equilibrium wherein demand and supply intersect. Thus, the author suggests that Canada should adopt a Negative Income Tax (NIT) policy that would not result in the same externalities as the minimum wage, as this policy is not a price floor. One notable phenomenon of pursuing an NIT is that it substantially increases the productivity of single parents receiving welfare (Riddell & Riddell, 2021).
BBA, University of Toronto, Scarborough
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Agia G. (2022). What is an Alternative to the Minimum Wage in Canada?: A Comprehensive Literature Review of Price Floors and Welfare Systems in Canada. International Journal of Policy Sciences and Law, 2(4), 3935-3948.
Assessing Multilateralism and MiniLateralism in Light of the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism Deadlock
Abhiraj Goswami
Volume 2, Issue 4
5 August 2022
Page No.: 3949-3958
The need for an all-encompassing, legally binding instrument that criminalises terrorism was realised in 1996 after the AFB Dhahran bombing. A combined effort spearheaded by India (motivated by the erstwhile surge in Kashmiri insurgency) at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Legal (Sixth) Committee led to the establishment of an Ad-Hoc Committee tasked with drawing up and negotiating the said instrument: the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT). In spite of the Ad-Hoc Committee having successfully developed three separate treaties on combating terrorism from 1997 to 2005, negotiations centred around the main CCIT text itself in the UNGA Legal Committee had stalled in 2013 leading to one of the most consequential challenges to the steadily emerging idea of UN-led multilateralism vis-a-vis the coordinated global battle against terrorism. A three-way deadlock had arisen out of the disagreement over the definition of terrorism (The West v. Latin America v. the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation), which continues to this day, thrusting all efforts into limbo. This article takes a look at this legal deadlock with the aim of investigating whether mini-lateral efforts, as opposed to multilateral efforts, have worked far better in formulating legal infrastructure that helps combat terrorism. The ‘sectoral approach’ as a bypass mechanism is also explored with the hope of chalking a fruitful exit from this deadlock. While plenty of legal exploration has been conducted on the CCIT itself, its consequences on geopolitics is a realm that remains vastly unexplored and this paper, sourcing not only legal but also policy-oriented literature, aims to bridge this gap
MSc. International Relations and Diplomacy, Leiden University – The Hague Campus, Netherlands
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Goswami A. (2022). Assessing Multilateralism and MiniLateralism in Light of the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism Deadlock. International Journal of Policy Sciences and Law, 2(4), 3949-3958.
Challenges Faced By Inter-State Migrant Workers In India: An Analysis
Devki Natu
Volume 2, Issue 4
5 August 2022
Page No.: 3959-3973
The COVID-19 pandemic brought to light the plight of the 800-million odd inter-state migrant workers in India. Inter-state migrant workers are characterized by the nature of their migration, namely permanent, semi-permanent and seasonal/circular. The challenges faced by them lie at the intersection of identity formation, financing, housing and political inclusion, as past studies point out. In view of the new labour codes introduced by the Government of India, this paper comparatively analyzes past and current labour policies (with a focus on social security and welfare measures) to point out what would change for the workers and if it would benefit them. Based on secondary sources of data like research papers, news articles and magazine articles, the paper asserts the plus points of the new policies and also highlights avenues for planned revamp of specific provisions.
B.A. Sociology, S.K. Somaiya Degree College of Arts, Science and Commerce, University of Mumbai
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Natu D. (2022). Challenges Faced By Inter-State Migrant Workers In India: An Analysis. International Journal of Policy Sciences and Law, 2(4), 3959-3973.
Understanding the Opportunities and Threats of COP-26
Riya Chainani and Bhumika Kukreja
Volume 2, Issue 4
31 August 2022
Page No.: 3974-3992
The COP26 (The Conference of Parties) was a series of negotiations to fast-track the provisions under the Paris Accord. The paper attempts to study the progress made until now through Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and synthesis reports. Focusing on the third goal of COP26, the paper also highlights the actions taken by countries and leaders to mobilize funds for transition and adaptation, the responsibility of both developed and developing economies, and the role of private investors in climate action. It aims to examine environmental actions undertaken through the lens of game theory, using a 2*2 matrix model to determine Nash Equilibria of cooperation. The paper examines strategic decision-making affecting climate action through the lens of game theory. It tries to depict decision-making through the perspective of two types of economies, developed and developing economies. The paper focuses on observing such results over a short run as well as a long run period and tries to analyze the differences between both through the results. The game-theoretical perspective also helps to establish a relevant observation of the implications of India’s current stance on retaining phasing down rather than phasing out coal.
B.A. Economics, Jai Hind College, University of Mumbai
Bhumika Kukreja
B.A. Economics, Jai Hind College, University of Mumbai
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Chainani R. & Kukreja B. (2022). Understanding the Opportunities and Threats of COP-26. International Journal of Policy Sciences and Law, 2(4), 3974-3992.