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The Economic Impact of COVID-19 on the Healthcare System in India, China, Brazil and the USA

Jeeval Chadha
Volume 2, Issue 3
31 May 2022
Page No.: 3887-3906

The COVID-19 epidemic is putting international hospitals and healthcare facilities under severe financial strain. In this paper, we analyse the impact in major countries including but not restricted to India, China, Brazil and USA. These impacts in these countries have been analysed mainly because they depict the trends that followed in different regions of the world. The economic impact of COVID-19 on the US and worldwide hospitals, healthcare facilities, surgery, and surgical results will be discussed in this study. The American Hospital Association forecasts that hospitals and healthcare systems in the United States will lose $202.6 billion in income, or $50.7 billion every month. Furthermore, providing an effective healthcare response to COVID-19 might cost low- and middle-income nations US$52 billion (equal to US$8.60 per person) every four weeks. In the context of the United States’ greatest daily COVID-19 new cases, this load will have an impact on patient care, operations, and surgical results. World economic growth is expected to slow by over 8% this year, with poorer nations bearing the brunt of the damage, according to the World Bank. The United Nations estimates that it will cost the global economy roughly $2 trillion this year. Overall, a lack of readiness contributed significantly to the difficulties faced by healthcare facilities all across the world. It is of utmost importance for the discussed countries to facilitate an amicable and efficient use of the given limited healthcare resources present with them, to minimise the economic as well as public loss.

Jeeval Chadha
B.A. Hons. Economics, Daulat Ram College, University of Delhi

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Chadha J. (2022). The Economic Impact of COVID-19 on the Healthcare System in India, China, Brazil and the USA. International Journal of Policy Sciences and Law, 2(3), 3887-3906.


Economics and Politics of Internal Migration among Unskilled Workers in India

Pankhuri Jain, Keerthi Priya Yerramalla and Vyoma Dadhich
Volume 2, Issue 3
31 May 2022
Page No.: 3907-3918

Economists argue that internal migration could lead to a better allocation of human resources among various sectors and regions in a particular country (De, 2019). However, India lacks a comprehensive migration policy. The existing policies have failed to protect the basic human rights of migrant workers enshrined in the Constitution of India. In India, the Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979 has been constituted to protect the rights of migrants. However, the data and ground realities highlight the poor implementation of this law (Srivastava & Pandey, 2017) which fails to protect the rights of migrant workers in terms of providing access to education for their children, healthcare facilities, and affordable housing. Though regulations such as above are in place, there is a limited impact due to a shortage of migration data which calls for a need to have a robust migration policy. The paper argues that the government should acknowledge the contribution of migrant workers in the development of their states and should formulate an integrated rights-based approach. This rights-based approach would enable their political and civic inclusion, financial access, provision of legal aid, etc and thus improving the current status of internal migrants in the country.

Pankhuri Jain
PGP in Public Policy, Design, and Management, Indian School of Public Policy
Keerthi Priya Yerramalla
PGP in Public Policy, Design, and Management, Indian School of Public Policy
Yerramalla Vyoma Dadhich
PGP in Public Policy, Design, and Management, Indian School of Public Policy

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Jain P., Yerramalla K. P. & Dadhich V. (2022). Economics and Politics of Internal Migration among Unskilled Workers in India. International Journal of Policy Sciences and Law, 2(3), 3907-3918.


Impact of Renewable Energy Consumption on the Economic Growth: A Comparative Analysis between India and the USA

Upanita Barman
Volume 2, Issue 3
31 May 2022
Page No.: 3919-3934

Non-renewable sources of energy like coal, petroleum, and gas have helped in the economic growth of a country immensely but they have certain social, economic, and environmental disadvantages, thus encouraging us to use more environment-friendly renewable sources of energy. These renewable energy sources eliminate harmful gasses like carbon monoxide, excess carbon dioxide, etc. Moreover, they can be used for power generation, which can further generate energy. The study aims to conduct a comparative study of the relationship between energy consumption from renewable sources and economic growth in India and the United States of America. The study uses secondary data from the period 1990-to 2018. We have taken the renewable energy consumption and GDP per capita data from the World Bank site for this research. The statistical analysis is based on descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and correlation using Microsoft Excel. The results show that there is a positive correlation between renewable energy consumption and the economic growth of the USA whereas there is a negative relationship between economic growth and renewable energy consumption in India.

Upanita Barman
B.A. Hons. Economics, Presidency University, Kolkata

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