Publication Policy

Open Access Journal:

The International Journal of Policy Sciences and Law (IJPSL) serves as an Open Access Journal; all the academic content of the journal is available to the readers without any technical, financial or legal barrier. The published content is freely accessible to readers throughout the world via the internet. Any reader can copy, download, print, search, use or distribute the content published in the journal after giving credits to the author.

CC BY License:

All publications of the IJPSL are accredited under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This license permits anyone on the internet to copy, transmit, adapt, remix and redistribute the work, provided that the original work and source is appropriately acknowledged and cited. This allows the author(s) to have control over the integrity of their research. 

Note for Reviewers and Editorial:

All the reviewer(s)/editor(s) shall efficiently assess the manuscripts sent for publication to the journal. The manuscripts will be assigned to them via email; each shall be reviewed as per the IJPSL publication guidelines adhering to the time allotted for review. The identity of the reviewer(s)/editor(s) will remain anonymous throughout the publication process and every manuscript shall be examined in accordance with publication ethics and criteria. Every reviewer(s)/editor(s) will prepare a comprehensive Manuscript Review, for each manuscript they review, to be served as feedback to the author(s). They are expected to strictly maintain the confidentiality of each and every manuscript assigned to them and ensure a smooth review process.

Eligibility and Target Audience:

The International Journal of Policy Sciences and Law (IJPSL) was created with the aim of fostering discourse and establishing a more egalitarian spirit in the realm of academia. The IJPSL encourages researchers and writers from diverse backgrounds regardless of their age, academic, socio-political and demographic background. It aims to create a more inclusive space for the community of researchers, academicians, scholars, and students working towards creating an impact.